School Safety Pt. 4: Student Volunteer Information Packet


At a minimum, the student volunteer information packet should include:

  1. A letter to parents with information about
    1. What the team is
    2. Why the students were nominated
  2. Job description/expectations for volunteers
    1. What students will be doing
    2. A map of the stations/etc
  3. A link/QR code to the permission slip
  4. An email address or way to ask questions (and submit any scheduling preferences)

Example Packet Resources

Letter to parents

Dear Families,

I am <name>, a parent of  <#> children at <school name>. I lead the drop off safety team at school. 

🌟Why did your student get this?🎖️

You received this packet because your child was personally nominated to join the school drop off team by their teacher because they are an exceptional model of our school’s values. We would love to have your student as a member of our team!

This packet includes information about the program, expectations, responsibilities, next steps and importantly, a link to the permission slip to participate.

🏫 Our Goals

The goals of our team are to:

  • Help direct the flow of traffic and keep cars moving so the kids are on time to school
  • Prevent illegal U-turns that create dangerous conditions for everyone
  • Discourage pedestrians crossing in front of cars in the drop off zones
  • Keep bicyclists safe by preventing cars from driving/parking in the bike lane

Our goal is to make a safe, easy and fun drop off procedure, so we play upbeat music, dress up in as <mascot name> on <day>, and have themed days like Fun Fridays (with bubbles)!

🚸 Our top priority is keeping kids safe. 

This is a team effort. Our goal is to have <#> adults and <#> students each day according to the following map. Students are always on the sidewalk side opening doors for students who are dropped off. 

We are in need of adult volunteers, so if you or an adult in your family would be able to help, we would LOVE to have you. Adults most often volunteer the same day as their students.

💪🏼 What does my child get out of this?

Students will have the opportunity to further develop their leadership and communication skills, character, work ethic, integrity, and hone their voice. They will also be able to count this as formal volunteer hours if needed. 

🗓️ When would my student start?

Training for next year’s safety team will start <date> and students will need to commit to two training days this school year. If you are volunteering, we invite you to join as well. 

Students start their official shifts the first week of school. Schedules and positions will be sent out a couple weeks prior to the first day.

☑️ Next Steps

  1. Talk to your student about this opportunity and make sure you understand the job description, expectations, and level of commitment.
  2. Complete the permission slip <short link> by <date>. (QR code below)
  3. Remind your child to attend the lunchtime information meeting on <date>. We will provide pizza! 🍕

Thank you for having such an amazing kid and for helping keep our kids safe in the morning! Feel free to email us with your questions.



Check out our Safety video on youtube to get an idea of how dropoff works:

Complete this permission slip by <date>:


Google Docs version of the letter

Example Job Description

Drop Off Safety Patrol Leadership Team

1. Duty Schedule ⏰ 

  • Patrol shifts:
    • Students: 8:00 am to <8:20 (time of first warning bell)>
    • Adults: 8:00 am to 8:20 am
  • Students are assigned one day per week and can make scheduling requests by <process>.
  • Patrol will happen regardless of weather.
  • Patrol happens on <Street/Location>.

2. Safety and Behavior Expectations 🦺

Students are expected to:

  • Be on time and in their safety vest by 8:00 am
  • Remain on the sidewalk – students are not to go onto the street for any reason
  • Open passenger-side car doors to help students exit vehicles
  • Be alert, aware, and focused while on duty – socializing and use of electronics is not allowed
  • Treat safety vests with respect and return them to the bin at the end of the shift
  • Be on time for school and announcements
  • Adhere to <school name>’s core values during and after duty

In order to allow students to get to class on time, we ask adult volunteers to help remove cones and safety equipment after students depart.

3. Training and Monthly Meetings 📅 

All new students are required to attend a mandatory training meeting on <date> during lunch in <location>. Students are also asked to complete two training shifts this year.

We will host monthly meetings during lunch during the school year. Participation is mandatory (unless absent from school). In these meetings, the team will discuss scheduling, improvements, and concerns, as well as appreciate students for their vital work and dedication.

4. Absences 😷

When volunteers are absent, please inform the team by:

  • 1+ days in advance notice: email at <email>
  • Day of shift: Text <phone number>

5. Rewards🎁

🥳 Students will be rewarded for their service with a year-end party!🎉

Google Docs version of the job description

Continue to Pt. 5: Example Resources.