
Bike Walk Alameda has access to a wealth of resources that can make your walking and cycling experience more enjoyable. Just scroll through the pull-down menu!

Business Positive Bikeways and Bridges

Since the bike plan was last updated in 2010, many projects and programs have been implemented or are ongoing.  But some still remain.  We’ve compiled the list of “ongoing“, “done” and “not started” projects – BIKE PLAN UPDATE STATUS 2018


Transportation Plans

If you are looking for City of Alameda transportation documents like the Transportation Choices Plan (2018), Bicycle Plan (2010), Pedestrian Plan (2009) and others.   There is also project information on Central Ave, Clement Ave. and other projects in progress.

Projects in the Transportation Choices Plan 1-11

Projects in the Transportation Choices Plan 12-38

Did you know?

Over half of Alameda’s greenhouse gases come from motor vehicles.

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) issued a Baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report for the City of Alameda in January 2007, which indicated that 53% of Alameda’s emissions come from transportation sources. The good news is, bicycling and walking have ZERO emissions!

About 40% of trips made in the U.S. are within two miles of home. Bicycling and walking can be practical modes of transportation for these trips in and around bike- and pedestrian-friendly Alameda, with our flat terrain, bike lanes, sidewalks and a nearly island-wide 25 m.p.h. speed limit.

Every gallon of gas you save by biking or walking keeps 19.4 lbs of carbon dioxide out of our air, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. That’s a lot! So dust off the bike or your walking shoes and get going!

If you are relatively new to biking, see Getting Started for helpful tips and free resources. For over 40 reasons to bike, visit the International Bicycle Fund’s website. This site also includes a very cool explanation on how efficient bicycling is compared to other modes of transportation.

For more ideas on how you can reduce your carbon footprint, check out our Global Warming Checklist and Resources for Alamedans file below, created by former BikeAlameda board member Joyce Mercado. Print it duplexed, post on your refrigerator, and check off items as you complete projects and change habits. Our special community has a wealth of resources included in this checklist to help you make a difference!

Bike Plan