School Safety Pt. 3: Volunteer Identification and Training

If volunteers are a key component of your safety program, start with identifying and training volunteers. If you are implementing the program mid-year, you’ll want to adjust the timelines to suit your needs.

At the end of the school year:

Prior to the start of the school year:

Getting adult volunteers

Adult Volunteers are crucial to success. Here are some tips:

  1. Program leaders should personally ask others they know in person. 
  2. Make small asks (ex. 20 minutes/week vs everyday.)
  3. Ask parents of kids who are on the team.

Coordinate for clarity

All volunteers wear a safety vest when on shift to make it clear they are part of the school drop off team. Consider having all supplies (cones/vests) be the same color and avoid colors that construction often uses. This will make it easy for families to know that this is part of a school initiative. 

Make it fun

Consider having someone dress up as the school mascot, playing music and having theme days (ex. Bubble Fridays). If the volunteers want to put on an appropriate theme, let them!

Group Lead Tasks

The group leader is responsible for:

  • Create a binder to hold: 
    • Permission slips and pictures of student volunteers holding their names (white boards work great for this).
    • Daily schedule
    • Consider organizing the binder by day

Continue to: Pt. 4: Student Volunteer Information Packet

Maya Lin School Safety Team at work. Photos courtesy of Gena Batres.