Farewell Pat Potter

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Pat Potter, the former Board President for Bike Walk Alameda, who passed away last month. We first got to know Pat as a volunteer when she sadly had her bicycle stolen while she was working at an energizer station on Bike To Work Day. But that didn’t deter Pat!  She quickly got another bike and continued to dive into working to make Alameda a better place to bike and walk. She joined our board in 2018 and was elected President in 2020.  

It’s impossible to list all of Pat’s contributions to our community. She was involved in so many initiatives from leading the charge on the Central Avenue project to most recently helping with the Grand Street advocacy. Pat wasn’t just a BWA board member, she was also on the board of Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA). In that dual role, she conceived and managed our co-hosted candidates’ forums with CASA, which is a tradition we hope to continue in her memory.

We’re going to miss your friendship and leadership, Pat. We’ll keep our milkweed healthy for your Monarch butterflies <3