March 24 @ 7pm : Climate Reality Code Red

Thursday, March 24th, 7:00 pm

A virtual event brought to you by
Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda and Bike Walk Alameda

The 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying. The UN Chief warned that this report is Code Red for human-driven global heating.  Read more here.

Presenter Joyce Mercado, a trained Climate Reality Project Leader, joins thousands of other Climate Leaders from around the world in presenting information on climate change to the public. Topics to be covered include the causes of climate change, temperature increases, climate change impacts, and solutions. Attendees will also receive a Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA) checklist created by Joyce with 70 climate protection action items and resources available which will be discussed at the conclusion of the presentation to develop your personal action plan to protect the climate. The planet needs big action now and you can be part of the solution!

Join us Thursday, March 24th at 7:00 pm

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The presentation will include a discussion of the climate protection and resource checklist.  The idea is to post the checklist in a prominent location at home and check off items as you change habits and complete projects.  You will not only protect the climate but most of the items help you save money as well because a lot of climate protection deals with resource conservation.  Read more here