Support Us!

How can you support Bike Walk Alameda’s efforts to make our city a safe and enjoyable place to walk and bike?

Join Us!

Membership is free, and you’ll receive our e-newsletter, important alerts and calls-to-action, and information about discounts from local bike shops. You can also stay engaged with us on social media.


If you would like to support our efforts financially, we very much welcome your donation!

1. Make a one-time donation.

By donating to Bike Walk Alameda, you help us accomplish our mission.

2. Company donations, matching, and sponsorships.

Do you work for a company or have your own company that can contribute to our efforts to make Alameda a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly community? Your contributions and your company’s donations are tax-deductible. Donate to Bike Walk Alameda through an employer via Benevity and Bike East Bay.