On July 24, 2019, the Transportation Commission voted 5-1 in favor of the two-way protected bike lane (Option 3) plus a bonus for vehicular cyclists who still want to ride on the street–put sharrows down so drivers don’t yell at them! This comes before City Council on Sept. 17, so mark your calendars! And the, hopefully, construction in 2020.
This is the longest portion of the Cross Alameda Trail. This project is more than a bikeway, it will fix the narrow sidewalks, remove the railroad tracks, add street trees and make it a much more enjoyable place to bike and walk, while maintaining the truck and auto traffic.
Proposed Protected Design
Proposed Bike Lane Design
Protected and unprotected

Next Steps:
- Wed, July 24 at 7 p.m.: Transportation Commission request for approval of staff/consultant concept recommendation at City Hall (2263 Santa Clara Avenue), City Council Chambers
- September: Request for City Council approval of staff/consultant concept recommendation at City Hall, City Council Chambers
The city will begin outreach for the next phase of Clement Ave in July
While the approved concept includes unprotected bike lanes, we will again be working to have protected lanes in the project. We hope these lanes will match the already installed lanes on Clement Ave west of Grand between Paru and Entrance Road.
The most valid reason why protected bike lanes were not included in the plan was the need to leave over 20′ of street space for wide boats that are periodically transported on Clement Ave. At the time of the Transportation Commission vote, alternatives were not considered. We have some alternatives:
- Remove parking on the northside of Clement or
- When wide loads receive their permit for transport, require parking restrictions on the northside of the street during the transport.
The City of Alameda has been awarded $5 million to improve Clement Avenue between Grand Street and Broadway. For more information on the concept that was approved by the Transportation Commission in 2015, please refer to the project web page: https://alamedaca.gov/public-works/clement-avenue-complete-street
In 2014 and 2015, the city considered improvements to Clement Avenue that included a bikeway from Grand Street to Broadway and removal of abandoned railroad tracks. Bike Walk Alameda supported the improvements, including the bikeway, which would provide a direct commute route linking Central Alameda to the East End and Oakland. The proposal had been included in the Cross Alameda Trail feasibility study as a short-term alternative to the San Francisco Bay shoreline path.
The city developed a concept proposal with goals that included encouraging biking and walking, traffic calming, improving the streetscape and revitalizing the Northern Waterfront area. The city also discussed removing parking on one side of Clement so that cyclists and trucks could safely share the road.
Unfortunately, the Transportation Commission voted against a protected bikeway, deciding to instead recommend traditional bicycle lanes on both sides of Clement Avenue.
Bike Walk Alameda campaigned for a protected bikeway that would have offered a safe commute route between Central Alameda, the East End and the Oakland Fruitvale BART station.