Clement Ave / Tilden Way Project Update

At its recent meeting, the Transportation Commission unanimously recommended the adoption of staff’s proposal for the Clement/Tilden Project. The plan goes before City Council for a vote in early March. In Oakland, the Fruitvale Alive project has finally begun! The extensive upgrades there, including a raised protected bikeway from Alameda Ave up to E 12th …

Active Transportation Plan Passes City Council Vote

The Active Transportation Plan (ATP) passed at the 12/20/2022 Council meeting in a 4-1 vote, with amendments proposed by Councilmember Knox White to: The ATP is detailed and extremely comprehensive, but at 71 pages, it can be a bit hard to digest. We’ll break down a few key highlights for you here. One key feature …

The Estuary Water shuttle for pedestrians and bicyclists

The 2009 Estuary Crossing Study identified three solutions to address the glaring bicycle and pedestrian gap between Oakland and West Alameda: a short-term solution (upgrades to the Posey Tube path), a medium-term solution (a water shuttle), and a long-term solution (a bike and pedestrian bridge). The City feels it’s now time to get the medium-term …


Isn’t it Grand?

Great news: City Council voted on June 21 to move forward with protected bike lanes on Grand! A few amendments to further enhance the project will be looked into before a final vote of approval in September. This incluces extending protection for southbound bicyclists between Otis and Shoreline. It’s not a done deal yet.  If all goes as …