Grand Street Lawsuit

We’re disappointed to report that some Grand Street homeowners are suing the city to stop the protected bike lanes that the Council approved last year from being built in front of their property. They’re suing on procedural grounds, saying that one (of the three) City Council meetings where this plan was discussed weren’t properly noticed. …

Clement Ave / Tilden Way Project Update

At its recent meeting, the Transportation Commission unanimously recommended the adoption of staff’s proposal for the Clement/Tilden Project. The plan goes before City Council for a vote in early March. In Oakland, the Fruitvale Alive project has finally begun! The extensive upgrades there, including a raised protected bikeway from Alameda Ave up to E 12th …

The Alameda Cycle Transit System

Just how quickly can you get to various destinations in Alameda by bike? Resident Andy Murdock decided to find out, and this transit-style map is the result. What’s not to love about a system that runs 24x7x365, with a next departure time of…now?! Thank you, Andy!

Active Transportation Plan Passes City Council Vote

The Active Transportation Plan (ATP) passed at the 12/20/2022 Council meeting in a 4-1 vote, with amendments proposed by Councilmember Knox White to: The ATP is detailed and extremely comprehensive, but at 71 pages, it can be a bit hard to digest. We’ll break down a few key highlights for you here. One key feature …