Caltrans District 4: Call for Bike Project Comments

Caltrans has asked for our comments on the projects they have proposed in the District 4 Bike Plan, six of these plans concern Alamedans directly. Project 256 is for the bike/ped bridge, which we’re especially excited about as it will dramatically improve bicycling between Alameda and Oakland and reduce the number of cars going through the tubes during …

New Law Ends Penalty for Crossing Street During Countdown

Changes to California state law are coming. AB390 passed into law now states that pedestrians may enter an intersection and cross during a countdown signal that is accompanied by a flashing hand signal or “Don’t Walk,” as long as they reach the other end of the intersection before the hand or “Don’t Walk” signal goes …

Voice Your Opinion on the City of Alameda’s Draft Transportation Choices Plan

Bike Walk Alameda members, we want your feedback! The City of Alameda is tackling transportation issues with a comprehensive citywide plan to provide more transportation options for Alamedans with the goal of reducing thousands of drive alone trips at the crossings and through Alameda over the next 15 years. All community members are invited to review …

Thank You for Successful Bike to Work Day!

Bike Walk Alameda volunteers greeted over 1,000 cyclists at our five Energizer Stations on Bike to Work Day last Thursday. Find out the final tallies reported when the stations closed and read about our fabulous donors, sponsors, and volunteers that helped make Bike to Work Day 2017 such a success!