View across estuary from Bohol Circle

Getting to Bohol Circle Immigrant Park

Wondering about the lowest-stress bike routes to Bohol Circle Immigrant Park, and the dock where the water shuttle to Oakland (aka Woodstock) will launch? Here are a few options to consider, all starting from the Cross Alameda Trail, west to east: Option 1: There’s a path through the linear park just east of Main Street …

Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Update – September 2023

The Project Initiation Document (PID) phase of the bridge is moving along at a good clip. There was much to review and discuss at the recent Equity and Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting. Staff and consultants presented maps and a matrix showing twelve alternatives that varied in location, height (40’ – 70’), span length (400’ – …

Electric Cargo Bikes: Too Cool for School

We’re seeing more kid-filled e-cargo bikes around town these days, especially with school in session. These modern, green minivans are popular for many reasons. But how did these Alameda parents get started? What advice can they share? Read on (and thank you, contributors)! Mark Dieter: Establish a routine and it will be as easy (or …

The San Francisco Bay Trail Grows

Bay Trail Map 10 (Alameda & Oakland) is quickly getting out of date with all of the developments in Alameda, particularly along the Northern Waterfront. A better reference for the time being is our very own Active Transportation Plan Bay Trail map, on page 52, shown here with some highlights added and described below. From …

What is Induced Demand?

Three Reasons Why Congestion Decreases When Cities ‘Delete’ Road Lanes is worth a read for anyone who wants to dig in more. Those worried about traffic, please speak up at every opportunity for better public transportation, and a network of safe and convenient walking and biking facilities.

diagrams of cross sections from draft striping recommendation

Restriping of Park and Webster Streets

The Transportation Commission recently endorsed staff’s plans to restripe Park and Webster Streets, specifically, to:    As you may recall, in the Active Transportation Plan that was just passed, both of these corridors are slated to be low stress, which means *protected* bike lanes, not painted ones. But the ATP also notes that this is …