Denyse Trepanier, President, Board Member since 2016

Brian Fowler, Treasurer, Board Member since 2021

Brian has been cycling Alameda and the San Francisco Bay Area for 20+ years. He and his wife chose Alameda for its public schools, its safety, and its livability more than a decade ago and have stayed for its heart. The former Chief Operating Officer of a survey and data tech company, he now brings his business operations, marketing, and finance expertise to nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and cause-driven organizations. Brian currently serves as Treasurer for Bike Walk Alameda and Edison Elementary PTA. He is in his sixth season coaching recreation soccer at Alameda Soccer Club.
He survived 2020 in part by cycling around the streets and trails of Alameda and our neighboring cities. Knowing the value of cycling for errands, fitness and mental health helped him focus and keep a sense of humor as the world changed. Even more valuable, that knowledge helped his family and their small bubble escape and outride the challenges of the day. He values safe, accessible routes by foot and by bike and appreciates civic improvements that help more people get around safely and cleanly as possible.
Tim Beloney, Secretary, Board Member since 2020

Tim and his wife have lived in town for over twenty years. They have a son in his first year of college and a daughter who attends AHS. He is an avid MAMIL (Middle Aged Man In Lycra) cyclist who can be found climbing the local hills and “refueling” at the local pubs afterwards. Part of what he’s always loved about Alameda is the ability of his kids, at a young age, to navigate about town independently via foot and bike. He feels this has changed slightly as Alameda has seen an increase in traffic over the years and he wants to make sure Alameda is a town where kids can safely and confidently bike and walk to school, the library, movie theater, beach, etc. More than that, he’d like to see Alameda earn a reputation as a Bike First community. Another goal of his is to promote cycling as a means of exercise and transportation for everyone, no matter their income level or neighborhood. You may think Tim’s goals are big for a small town but he believes that together we can make it happen.
Cyndy Johnsen, Board Member since 2017

Cyndy’s involvement in bicycle advocacy began many years ago at RIDES for Bay Area Commuters, the San Francisco Bay Area’s first ridesharing agency, where she helped launch a program around bicycle commuting. She loves biking and walking around Alameda on errands or just for fun, and is passionate about making it even better for bicyclists and pedestrians. Having lots of personal experience with the Posey Tube, she is especially committed to finding a better solution for people who want to safely walk or bike across the estuary, specifically a bridge!
Maria Piper, Board Member since 2022

Maria Piper moved to Alameda in 2014 after living in Raleigh, NC for a number of years where she enjoyed weekly mountain biking with a small group. After too many years off a bike, she invested in a hybrid and a cargo bike this past year and has enjoyed replacing most of her car trips with a bicycle, including transporting her three kids to their activities. She also loves that cycling helps her justify her Panera cookie habit. Maria is passionate about improving cycling infrastructure so that more folks feel safe replacing their rides with a bike — even with kids in tow! She also wants to ensure they have safe places to park their bikes once they get to their destination.