Here’s a chance to give your input to projects the city has targeted to improve the Bike/Walk experience. Take a look at the list. Does something strike your interest? If so, let us know, and we will be sure to invite you to the meetings related to that project. Bike Walk Alameda works hard to get the voices of bicyclists and pedestrians heard. We are continually looking at projects that would improve the City’s infrastructure for all of us. As you can see, there are a lot of projects in the works–so Jump In! Get involved and make a difference!
Bike Walk Alameda listed as Partner Agency
March 1, 2018
Near-Term Completion (1-3 years)
Priority: High Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: AC Transit, GABA
Bicycle Master Plan and Design Guidelines Update and Vision Zero Safety Policy/Plan
Priority: High Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: Caltrans
Pedestrian Master Plan and Design Guidelines Update and Vision Zero Safety Policy/Plan
Priority: High Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: Caltrans
Bike Share
Priority: Medium Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: TMA
Priority: Medium Lead: City of Alameda, WETA, TMA
Other Partners: City of Oakland, Coast Guard, Oakland Waterfront Developments
Priority: High Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: City of Oakland, Caltrans, Alameda CTC
New Transit/Bike/Pedestrian Lifeline Tube
Priority: N/A Lead: Caltrans Other Partners: City of Alameda and Oakland, Port of Oakland
West End Bicycle/Pedestrian Crossing
Priority: N/A Lead: City of Alameda Other Partners: Port of Oakland, City of Oakland, Coast Guard, Alameda CTC